Apex Legends Ranked System Is a Mess Will Respawn Fix It?

Source : ThordanSmash

The Apex Legends ranked system has been on a downward spiral since the introduction of Ranked Reloaded. What was once a competitive and rewarding experience has turned into a frustrating grind that many players feel lacks balance and purpose. With hidden MMR, broken matchmaking, and lackluster rewards, the ranked mode in Apex Legends is at its lowest point. Can Respawn fix this, or is the damage already done?

Apex Legends Ranked System : The Rise and Fall of Apex Legends Ranked Mode

Apex Legends ranked mode initially had a solid structure. Early seasons had a well-balanced rank distribution: Bronze and Silver made up the lower tiers, Gold was the most populated, and Platinum, Diamond, and Apex Predator were the elite ranks. This ensured a fair skill curve, making ranked matches competitive and rewarding. However, everything changed with Season 13 and beyond.

In Season 17, an absurd 25% of the player base reached Masters, a rank that was previously reserved for only the best. This is an anomaly in competitive FPS games. The introduction of Ranked Reloaded aimed to fix the flaws, but instead, it caused more issues, making it easier than ever to reach high ranks without truly earning them.

Hidden MMR and Matchmaking Woes

One of the biggest complaints from the Apex community is the hidden MMR system. Respawn introduced skill adjustments for premade squad sizes, but this led to bizarre matchups. Masters-level players could find themselves in Bronze lobbies, making ranked a chaotic and unfair experience. Conversely, some players get stuck in higher-ranked lobbies where they don’t belong.

The lack of transparency in the MMR system has also frustrated players. Unlike traditional Elo-based systems where players can gauge their progress, Apex Legends’ ranked system feels like an unpredictable mess. Instead of rewarding skill, it often feels like a never-ending grind with no clear path to improvement.

Respawn’s Endless Tweaks – But No Fix

Instead of fine-tuning the system, Respawn has continuously overhauled it in drastic ways. First, they removed splits, making the grind feel longer and less rewarding. Then, they reintroduced splits but did little to address the core matchmaking problems.

Adding provisional matches was another attempt at balancing the system, but with hidden MMR in play, it hardly changed anything. Players still feel that ranking up is more about playing the system rather than improving their skills.

To make matters worse, rewards for high-ranked play have been underwhelming. Players grinding through the season-long slog receive nothing more than a banner frame. Previous seasons at least offered dive trails as ranked rewards, but Respawn has since locked them behind $160 cosmetic bundles, causing outrage within the community.

The Competitive Integrity of Apex Legends Is in Danger

At its core, ranked play should be about competition. Players should feel motivated to climb because they are improving, not because of exploits or broken matchmaking. Yet, the current system discourages skilled play in favor of grinding through inflated LP systems.

Top-tier players like Sweetdreams have reached Predator without getting kills or dealing damage. This completely undermines the idea of ranked being a measure of skill. If someone can reach the highest ranks without actively participating in fights, something is fundamentally broken.

What Needs to Change?

Respawn has a history of reacting rather than proactively addressing issues. They continuously introduce half-measures that create more problems than they solve. Here’s what needs to happen:

  • Transparency on MMR: Players should have insight into their skill-based matchmaking adjustments.
  • Return to Balanced Rank Distribution: There needs to be a better spread of ranks where Masters and Predator remain exclusive to top players.
  • Better Rewards for Ranked Play: Dive trails should return as ranked rewards, not locked behind paywalls.
  • Refined Matchmaking: Pairing high-skill players with Bronze-level teammates is not a sustainable system.

Apex Legends has the potential to be one of the best competitive shooters, but Respawn’s handling of ranked play is hurting its longevity. If these issues aren’t addressed soon, players may start looking elsewhere for a more balanced competitive experience. Want to stay updated on Apex Legends? Check out Apex Legends official site for the latest news and updates.

Source : ThordanSmash

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