Mastering the Mastiff in Apex Legends: A Guide to Completing Weapon Mastery Trials

Apex Legends Mastiff gun

A surprising revelation in the Apex Legends community is that no one has yet completed all the Weapon Mastery trials. Despite these challenges being in the game for a while, many players, including seasoned veterans, have yet to achieve full mastery across all weapons. In this article, we’ll dive into the journey of mastering one of the most challenging weapons—the Mastiff shotgun—and provide tips on how to complete the Mastiff Mastery trials efficiently.

Why the Mastiff Mastery Trial is So Challenging

The Mastiff shotgun is known for its devastating close-range power, but it also requires precise aim to maximize its effectiveness, particularly when trying to complete the Weapon Mastery trial that demands 20 headshot kills while aiming down sights (ADS). This trial pushes players to not only secure kills but to do so with precision, making it a daunting task for many.

Key Strategies for Completing the Mastiff Mastery Trial

  1. Choosing the Right Legends:
    • Mad Maggie: Pairing the Mastiff with Mad Maggie is an excellent choice due to her ability to move quickly while aiming down sights, thanks to her passive ability. This allows you to stay mobile and aggressive, which is crucial for closing the gap between you and your enemies to land those vital headshots.
    • Bloodhound: Utilizing Bloodhound’s tactical scan can give you the upper hand in locating enemies, ensuring that you don’t miss your chance to secure a headshot.
  2. Preparation and Loadout:
    • Damage First, Then Headshot: One effective strategy is to use a secondary weapon, like the Nemesis, to weaken enemies first. Once their health is low, switch to the Mastiff to land the finishing headshot. This approach minimizes the risk of missing the crucial shot.
    • Optimal Range: The Mastiff is most effective at close range. Ensure that you’re within a suitable distance before attempting to land headshots, as the spread of the shotgun can make hitting precise shots difficult from afar.
  3. Map Awareness and Positioning:
    • High Traffic Areas: Engage in fights in high-traffic areas where you can encounter multiple enemies. This increases your chances of securing the 20 headshot kills needed for the trial.
    • Use of Cover: Always utilize cover to your advantage. Peek out, take your shot, and then retreat. This tactic allows you to control engagements and reduces the chances of getting caught out in the open.
  4. Mindset and Patience:
    • Stay Calm Under Pressure: The pressure to land headshots can be intense, especially in fast-paced battles. Staying calm and focused is key to maintaining accuracy. Remember, it’s better to take an extra moment to line up your shot than to rush and miss.
    • Persistence: Completing this trial might take several matches. Don’t get discouraged by setbacks. Each attempt brings you closer to mastery.

The Road Ahead: Continuing the Weapon Mastery Trials

Completing the Mastiff Mastery trial is just one step on the path to becoming the first player to master every weapon in Apex Legends. Each weapon presents its own unique challenges, requiring different strategies and approaches. If you’re up for the challenge, start grinding, and remember to stay patient and persistent.

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